from Konnersreuth


Everything that comes from the Saviour

makes me happy.

Each weed, each flower, each bird, and each

new suffering,

which the Saviour sends me.

But the greatest pleasure

is the Saviour himself.



Therese Neumann (Apr.08, 1898-Sept.18, 1962) was cured from severe illnesses several times upon the intercession of

St. Therese of Lisieux, although from the medical point of view, recovering of some of her illnesses seemed to be impossible.


Phenomena in her life were


•   the experience of historic-religious events in visions,

•   the rendering of words she had heard in a vision in their

    original language,

•   the Stigmata,

•   the fact that she lived for decades solely by receiving Holy

    Communion  regularly,

•   the talent to give advice and direction.






The phenomena in Therese Neumann`s life were:


Although these phenomena cannot be explained scientifically and consequently for some poeple difficult to perceive, the life of Therese gives testimony for God's acting in the world not only to the faithful, but also to many who got to know her situation more closely. By her example, we are called to accept the will of God readily and to help the neighbour.

Linguistic phenomenon

Illness and healing


Advice and instructions


Life without taking foot

Mystic connection

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